Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Low Carb Cloud Bread

Eating with balance and portion control has always been my way of maintaining and losing weight. However, I've reached what seems to be an unbreakable plateau, and have resorted to eating minimal carbs for breakfast and lunch and having a few carbs with dinner (The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet).  I did this diet over 10 years ago and lost 30 pounds. I like it because I still get carbs, I believe our bodies need them and cutting them out completely doesn't seem healthy. Now with this year long plateau I'm taking it up again and it seems to be helping.

Eating low-to no carbs requires creativity or being able to eat the same thing over and over. Then the cravings for bread start...just looking at my son's leftover crust from his PB&J made my mouth water. Sad right? Pinterest however, has come to the rescue and I found this recipe for "carb free bread" It actually has about 1 carb per piece - which is pretty much carb free and acceptable for my diet.

For not being able to eat bread, this "cloud bread" does the trick for me. Its not going to taste like bread you bought from the bakery. Its a "replacement bread", it has a light eggy flavor if eaten warm and alone, however, if you make a ham sandwich or burger etc., its difficult to notice an eggy flavor. For me it fulfills my cravings and desire for bread. One can only eat rolled up ham, cheese & lettuce for so long! Hope you enjoy it, comments are appreciated! I adapted the recipe from the ORIGINAL. Below is the adapted recipe!

Low Carb Cloud Bread
Makes 12, 1 carbohydrate per piece

6 eggs - Yolks and Whites separated - Make sure NO Yokes are in the whites or meringue wont work!
6 Tbsp Cream cheese softened (Regular - not fat free)
1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar
1 big spoonful of Stevia in the Raw Extract

1. Pre-heat Oven 300 degrees

2. Combine Yokes, Cream cheese and Stevia - BLEND -you can use a blender, I use my immersion stick blender. Blend till smooth! I blended it because I didn't want any chunks of cream cheese and I wanted the mixture to fold smoothly.

3. In another bowl combine egg whites and cream of tartar, Mix on HIGH until egg whites are fluffy and form stiff peaks.

4. Fold the egg yolk mixture into the egg whites - I start by folding some egg white into the yolk mixture first.  Then folding that mixture back into the remaining egg whites a third at a time. You need to do it gently so that you don't break down the fluff to much.

5.  Scoop a hamburger bun size amount of the mixture onto greased cookie sheets. I have a large cookie sheet and it made 12. About 3/4 inch thickness. They don't spread too much either.

6. place cookie sheet on middle rack, bake for about 30 minutes. Check at about 24 minutes and monitor color from there. All ovens vary. You want them to look golden, about the color of a hamburger bun.

7. Remove from oven, remove bread from cookie sheet immediately! It looks delicate but its pretty strong. Place on a rack (or cutting board, plate etc.) to cool. 

8. I thought they were chewy and fluffy immediately out of the oven, others say they are flaky and crispy and recommend putting them in a container over night to obtain a fluffy chewy texture. Every oven is different so if they come out flaky or crispy, let them cool, put them in a container and by the next day you will have chewy cloud bread.


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