Monday, October 3, 2011

Hassle Free Taquitos - a few new tips, and now so easy!

Usually when my Husband suggests taquitos for dinner, I cringe, having flash backs of my first attempt 7 years ago, which involved: boiling the chicken, burning my hands trying to shred hot chicken, waiting for it to cool so I could shred it safely- then putting cold chicken in the taquitos that don't get that hot inside after cooking. Also using toothpicks to keep the tortilla in place, frying the taquitos, only to have chicken pieces escape out of each end and scooping out the burnt chicken pieces out of the oil.....Yes, I USED to cringe when I heard "How about taquitos".....

So I noticed a pin on pinterest. Which suggested putting HOT boiled chicken into your electric mixer using the paddle attachment and after a minute or less of mixing you have hot, shredded chicken! Seriously - Where have I been!?

The light bulb appeared and I took it one step further to make taquitos so much easier and delicious:

Hassle Free Taquitos!

Ingredients you Need: (Don't miss the fun optional ingredients listed at the end of the post!)
3 boneless, skinless, chicken breasts - cut into small-medium pieces
12-14 corn tortillas (Remember to keep them warm!)
Salt and pepper
Cooking oil (canola, vegetable - whatever you please)
A loose handful of shredded cheese of your choice (optional, but highly recommended for binding ingredients)

1. Boil the chicken, remove, place chicken in electric mixer with paddle attachment!
2. Fill pan with enough oil to submerge half of a taquito laying flat. Turn heat on high and let warm up while you prep the taquitos. Watch the pan and turn down if you see the oil start to smoke. Once hot reduce heat to medium high to maintain temperature.

3. Mix the chicken in the mixer until the chicken looks like Tuna - Why? - It makes the chicken and other ingredients stick together and they don't wander out of the taquito while frying! Awesome- I know : )

4. Now add some cheese, I used about a handful of shredded Monterrey Jack (really wished I had pepper jack at the time!) The cheese is, again, going to help bind everything.

5. Mix in any other ingredients including the cheese to bind it all together. Other ingredient ideas are listed below under:  "BONUS: FUN MIX AND MATCH IDEAS"

6. Warm your tortillas wrapped up in a paper towel and microwave for 10 seconds or longer until warm. Do your best to keep them covered and warm during the rolling process.

7. Place filling down the center of the tortilla and roll tightly.

8.Using Tongs - grip the taquito at the fold like so:

9.  Place taquito into the HOT - Nearly Smoking - oil, on its side, so the top of the fold is facing away from you. Hold the taquito in place for a few seconds then roll taquito in the oil-onto the fold, then turn over after  few more seconds once the seal on the fold is made.

9. Remove and set on a paper towel to drain excess oil.
10. Serve with your favorite salsa, guacamole, or sour cream!

This is a list of items you can throw into the chicken mixture making different taquitos each time!

Basic options:
2 cloves of garlic minced - or - 1/4 tsp of garlic powder
1 half bunch of cilantro chopped - leaves only
1 tiny can of green chillies drained
Shredded pepper-jack cheese

Fajita Taquitos
Add some Sauteed onion and bell pepper

Enchilada Taquitos
Add black olives, chopped onion and cilantro in the mix. Then make a creamy enchilada sauce (mix some sour cream with enchilada sauce) to dip them in.

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea! I've always been intimidated by taquitos, but with these instructions I'm thinking I'll try them this week. Thanks!
